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(Feng Shui / the journal - Fall 1997)
True A Bundance & The Three Karmas
By Elliot Jay Tanzer

To many people the word abundance means having lots of money. But abundance is not just money. Abundance is having all you need. Certainly this includes the cash flow to take care of every day needs and the accumulation of properties and possessions. Most important of all abundance includes the vitality and energy to enjoy what we have and our willingness to share what we have with others. Indeed, we truly have rich and full abundance when we consider other important components like loving relationships, a nourishing environment and a career we enjoy.

The Three Karmas
We each have a unique relationship to the theme of abundance. To understand this relationship we need to analyze the Three Karmas that we each have - our Star Karma, our Earth Karma and our Human Karma. (Some call karma luck others fate or destiny, but karma is that which comes to us as a result of our previous actions.) Lillian Too, in her book, Feng Shui Fundamentals: Wealth (1997), refers to the Chinese belief of the "Trinity of Luck." She states: "The practice of feng shui must always be viewed in the context of the fundamental philosophy of the trinity of luck. Tien, Ti, and Ren choy - heaven, earth, and human luck - together dictate our destinies on earth."

Our "heaven luck" can be observed in our astrology chart. It is our blueprint for this lifetime. Our "human luck" is expressed in our moral and ethical behavior, doing good deeds and making wise choices. Our "earth luck" is our feng shui - our interaction with our environment, place of work and home. To some extent our heaven luck, our Star Karma, is out of our control to change. But our Human Karma and Earth Karma can be adjusted to improve our lot in life.

Star Karma
Each of us comes in with the karma of past lives and this can be analyzed by constructing an astrology chart for our time, place and date of birth. This we can call your Star Karma. As mentioned Star Karma is out of our control to change. However, the study of our astrological chart will reveal to us our patterns, promises and potentials in all areas of life as well as whether we will or will not attract abundance.

Human Karma
As a result of self-study and understanding of these pre-determined birth patterns, we can use our will, desire and intention combined with moral and ethical conduct and the doing of spiritual practices to redirect difficult Star Karma to become creative and productive. Our Human Karma is our ability to take action. It is our ability to transmute negative conditioning or habit patterns to more positive forms of self expression. In short, Human Karma is our ability to choose to act wisely. When applied to the theme of abundance, it is how we feel about what we have, our willingness to share and our ability to maintain balance.

Earth Karma
Fortunately, our Earth Karma, our feng shui, is very much under our control. It is our ability to observe the environment we live and work in and make the appropriate adjust that will secure what we have and assist us in acquiring more. There is a feng shui axiom which states: an individual whose astrology chart indicates great abundance but is living with poor feng shui will suffer a life of misery and struggle while an individual whose chart indicates little or no abundance who lives a spiritually correct life supported by good feng shui will enjoy a happy, harmonious and abundant existence.

*Illustration of Astrology Chart showing Houses numbered 1-12

Analyzing Your Star Karma
Regardless of which system of astrology you prefer, your money karma will reveal itself in your birth pattern. Using traditional western tropical astrology (which I have used professionally since 1973), I have learned to identify money karma by examining those areas of your birth chart we refer to as the Houses (see illustration). The Houses are based on time of birth and are metaphors for areas of life activity. The money Houses include the 2nd House (your own resources), 5th House (gambling, speculating), 8th House (money from other people or outside sources such as insurance, inheritance, etc.) and 11th House (money from friendships). Then we observe which planet or planets are located in these houses which will indicate how money either comes to you or is held back from you.

Jupiter, Venus or the Sun, for instance, are referred to as Benefactors. If they are located in the above mentioned Houses, there will indicate abundance as well as a good attitude about receiving and sharing your good fortune. Saturn, on the other hand, may show how your money is restricted or held back. If it is located in the 8th House for example, you may have to go to court and struggle to obtain your inheritance. Interestingly enough I have many clients with Saturn in the 2nd House who have a great deal of money along with a constant feeling that they do not have enough. In truth, many individual's money issues are issues about self-worth and the feeling that they are not enough.

In addition to planetary indicators you should also observe which zodiac sign sits on the cusp (borders) of the money houses. Sagittarius for instance on the 5th House cusp just about guarantees that you will be lucky at gambling in any form: sweepstakes, card games or the stock market. While Capricorn would indicate that your best "gamble" is in long term investments that bring a good return after many years.

Other indicators might be Pluto in a favorable relationship to the Sun, Venus or Jupiter. These are super wealth indicators and are found in birth charts like Bill Gates and the children of millionaires. Also if you have Taurus or Sagittarius strong in your chart, you will likely have that magnetism to attract some degree of abundance. There are many other wealth indicators; these are just some.

Adjusting Your Earth Karma To Change Your Star Karma
So now you have a sense of how your astrology chart can reveal to you if you are likely to have abundance. It still leaves the question: how to hold on to what you got and how to acquire more.

Thus far it has been my experience that individuals with good money karma tend to pick homes, or intuitively adjust their homes, to secure their money. There may be a missing money corner but in that corner you are likely to find a lush plant, priceless paintings with gold gilded frames, expensive objects d'art or other items that symbolically patch the potential hole in the bucket.

In a similar manner those individuals with difficult money karma seem to consistently choose houses that leak ch'i (energy) like a sieve. These people tend to choose houses with typical problems such as a down hill slope outside the wealth area, or a bathroom, back door and trash can in the wealth area. Or the house has the front door opposite a back door or window. They may also have burners of the stove which are not working, faucets that are dripping , etc. Even if these same individuals go to prosperity building workshops, do all kinds of therapy on their relationship to money, establish anchors in their subconscious, still they struggle with money as long as their feng shui is shoddy. If there is no money in their birth chart, it is not likely they will choose a house that has good money karma.

Applying Your Human Karma
Quite frankly, there is not much you can do about your Star Karma and as feng shui practitioners and students we know there is a lot you can do about your Earth Karma. But taking action with your Earth Karma depends on education and intention and then having the Human Karma to be smart enough to take action.

Certainly if you struggle with money, it is important to look at your psychological issues concerning your self-worth or your social conditioning. It is of great importance to clear these blocks in your subconscious to enjoying abundance in your life, it is then important to take a look at your Earth Karma and see how your home and environment reflect your subconscious programming. Once you have accessed the situation, you are then in a position to make changes. And very often if you are ready to make changes in your life, you are ready to move to a new home. One that reflects the new you and one that has better money karma.

Using Feng Shui To Obtain Abundance & Hold On To It

Minor Ch'i Adjustments
The following are common feng shui problems and some suggested cures:

  • 1. Money going downhill: bring the money back up hill by placing a tall pole with a red flag on it at the bottom of the hill, or run a conduit with electric wire to a spotlight which is adjusted to shine on the roof of the house and turn it on at least once.

  • 2. Money going out the backdoor: curtain the door, hang a wind chime outside and a crystal on a red ribbon inside.

  • 3. Money going down the toilet because the bathroom is in the wealth area: paint the bathroom using white paint with a hint of purple in it, use only warm colors red, fire orange and gold. Use green or wood to grow your money. Cover drains, keep toilet seat down, put a mirror on the bath room door, hang at least a 50mm crystal prism on a nine inch red ribbon.

  • 4. Broken burner on the stove or a leaky faucet: get it fixed immediately.

    *Illustration of Ba-gua showing three door orientation.

    Energizing The Wealth Gua
    Using the Three-door Ba-Gua template of the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist approach to feng shui, you can identify the Wealth Gua of the house, or of any room, as being to the far left area from the wall the entrance to the room or house is on. Likewise, you can identify the Wealth Gua of the property you live on as the far left area from the main entrance onto the property whether it is a walk way or driveway from the main street. Remember the Wealth corner is not just the actual corner, but the whole area as defined by dividing the space (home, property or room) into nine equal sections (like a tic-tac-toe board).

    Once you have identified the Wealth Gua and adjusted for any negative configurations as mentioned above (bathroom, down hill, back door), you can then energize this area with positive images and objects of abundance: healthy and lush plants, crystal prisms hanging from nine inch red ribbons, gold framed pictures and colors associated with prosperity: purple, red and gold.

    Also consider strengthening your Helpful People Gua not just to attract efficient and expert maintenance people or supportive mentors but those Helpful People who will give your name as a referral. Think of all these kinds of Helpful People as your angels.

    Other Helpful Tips
    As you browse through feng shui books and supply catalogues, you will find many items that traditionally have been used to enhance your abundance. Desk top water falls have become very popular. They are excellent if placed near the front door but don't forget to have the direction of the water flowing into the house and not facing the door so your prosperity flows to you and not out the door.

    You will also find money frogs and treasure turtles. Some say to position these figurines near the front door in an obscure place under furniture as if they are inconspicuously entering the home bringing abundance with them. Hanging eight sided mirrors with calligraphy saying Prosperity, placing a mirror over the stove, in the dining room or next to your cash register are other ways to double your good fortune.

    Having a wind chime at the front door, painting the front door red, painting you mailbox green or red, having a water fountain or bird bath along the pathway to the front door are all said to be way to attract good ch'i flow to the home. It is also considered good feng shui not to obstruct your doorways in order for good opportunities to have a chance to come in. Removing clutter in the home, garage, attic, basement, under the bed or on your desk are other ways to help the ch'i flow smoothly in your life.

    In addition to energizing the Wealth Gua of your office, consider the position of your desk and the quality of your desk. Does it face the door? Is there a wall behind you to support you? Is your chair high backed with arm rests? Is it uncluttered and are you surrounded by positive and uplifting images?

    It is also of great importance to have an open area in front of the main door of the house without trees or utility poles directly opposite the door way. Observe too if there are any poison arrows aiming at your front door from any direction. These can undermine health and success of those living in such a dwelling. If possible block these negative influences by planting a hedge, installing a high fence or at least use a ba-gua mirror above the door way to deflect this destructive energy. If you can not effectively do any of these things, consider moving as soon as possible.

    Health Is Your True Wealth
    Indeed, I grew up hearing my mother declare, "all the wealth in the world is worth little if you don't have good health." And just as we make investments in our future for financial security, we need to make investments in our future for good health. This can be done by eating wholesome foods which means making a commitment to eating organic unsprayed, unprocessed foods, drinking pure water, avoiding petrochemicals in your shampoos and cosmetics, and by breaking detrimental habits such as cigarette smoking, excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, eating ice cream and sugars late at night. If health problems do arise, it is also important to seek out alternative medical solutions (acupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy, etc.) and avoid immune system destroying pharmaceuticals and antibiotics.

    Abundance is truly having all you need, but most important it is having the good health to enjoy it and having the joy to share it with others.

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