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Client's Name: X. Y.
Case Study. M04-06-22


This very successful, major fortune 500 company had no problems with bringing in business and revenue, but was pledged with personnel disputes and legal issues.

1. a. Place red or maroon colored rug at entrance.
Hang red picture.
c. Place plant (medium) next to bookshelf.
d. Place antique Chinese coins in picture frame to cure legal issues.
3. Add a small plant (lucky bamboo) or money tree in front of pillar.
4. A large glow-crystal at this wing to secure power position.
5. Hang moving crystal over corner to counter stress and disputes.
6. Place crystal sphere on lighted stand to ensure continued prosperity.
7. Copper fountain wall unit cascading towards Mr. Leach's entrance will activate chi (energy) for the whole area.
8. Sue and Nicole are all East Group persons, sitting North to South facing computer will bring out optimal performance. For Adam, South to North is ideal.

feng shui masters case study apartments j. l. image

Within a few months of putting the suggested recommendations to create a harmonious environment, the personnel became more open and cooperative with each other. Even the disputes with theirs clients were resolved and many of the charges were dropped.




This Report is not a guarantee, valuation or appraisal, and the Feng Shui Masters have made no representations or warranties regarding this Report, or the Property described herein. This Report contains a description of the characteristics of the Property based upon the application of the theories and reading techniques of the art of Feng Shui and the equipment available and used by the Feng Shui Masters at the time of the reading. Other assessments of the Property may differ depending upon when, how and by whom the Property is graded, and may differ in the future as a result of environmental and metaphysical changes, improvements grading techniques and equipment used.The Feng Shui Masters can provide this report for a relatively small fee compared to the present and potential future value of the Property described herein only because this Report is subject to the following limitations on the liability of the Feng Shui Masters and the limitations described in the agreements under which this Report is made, all of which extend to the client for whom this Report was prepared and to every other person to whom this Report is distributed or shown. The Feng Shui Masters and its employees and agents shall not be held liable for any loss, damage or expense for any error in our omission from this report or for its issuance or use even if caused by or as a result of the negligence of the Feng Shui Masters or any of its employees or agents, and In any event, the Feng Shui Masters and its employees and agents shall not be held liable for any special or consequential damages for any error in and/or omission from this report, for any error or omission caused by the acts of others or for its issuance or use even if advised of the possibility of such damage. As a protection to the public and the Feng Shui Masters, neither this report nor the name, trademark, or service marks of the Feng Shui Masters or its affiliate, the Academy of Feng Shui Assessment, may be used in whole or in part for purposes of advertising, publicity or promotion and this Report may not be referred to as an appraisal.

What is Feng Shui?
Many people think that feng shui is the art of furniture placement. Actually, feng shui is the science of harnessing and directing the flow of geomagnetic chi, to create harmony and prosperity. Chi exists everywhere. Accupunturists and Kung Fu masters have tapped into the flow of chi to heal the body for thousands of years. A Feng Shui practitioner utilizes this same flow of chi to maximizes the benefits within the environment. A place with good Feng Shui is a site that naturally collects chi, like a plot of land with a clear view in the front, mountains in the back and rolling hills on both sides. Chi also rides on the wind and settles where there is water, so a home with a peaceful view of the river nestled in a horseshoe is ideal. But even the best setting may not be suitable for everyone, because people are different. Some people thrive in the hot summer and others cannot even function. And like people, wind from the south is different than wind from the north. A comprehensive Feng Shui reading is personally tailored for you using your own date of birth, combined with the construction date, and compass direction of the house. The home will be assessed to see that it is neither too Yin nor too Yang. Recommendations will be made for the optimal placement of furniture to insure a good flow of chi to your most auspicious directions; remedies given for construction and environmental problems, deficiencies balanced by using the five Elements and enhancements put in place to create health, happiness and abundance.

Feng Shui Masters, Inc. is a combination of specialty store and training center with consultants on duty daily to meet the Feng Shui needs of your local community. We offer comprehensive classes and intensive seminars in all areas of Feng Shui ranging from introduction classes to the Junior Masters Training Program. We recognize the value of different forms of Feng Shui. Our vision is to incorporate the best ideas from all viable schools of Feng Shui to establish a uniform standard for the Feng Shui industry.

This Report is not a guarantee, valuation or appraisal, and the Feng Shui Masters have made no representations or warranties regarding this Report, or the Property described herein. This Report contains a description of the characteristics of the Property based upon the application of the theories and reading techniques of the art of Feng Shui and the equipment available and used by the Feng Shui Masters at the time of the reading. Other assessments of the Property may differ depending upon when, how and by whom the Property is graded, and may differ in the future as a result of environmental and metaphysical changes, improvements grading techniques and equipment used.The Feng Shui Masters can provide this report for a relatively small fee compared to the present and potential future value of the Property described herein only because this Report is subject to the following limitations on the liability of the Feng Shui Masters and the limitations described in the agreements under which this Report is made, all of which extend to the client for whom this Report was prepared and to every other person to whom this Report is distributed or shown. The Feng Shui Masters and its employees and agents shall not be held liable for any loss, damage or expense for any error in our omission from this report or for its issuance or use even if caused by or as a result of the negligence of the Feng Shui Masters or any of its employees or agents, and In any event, the Feng Shui Masters and its employees and agents shall not be held liable for any special or consequential damages for any error in and/or omission from this report, for any error or omission caused by the acts of others or for its issuance or use even if advised of the possibility of such damage. As a protection to the public and the Feng Shui Masters, neither this report nor the name, trademark, or service marks of the Feng Shui Masters or its affiliate, the Academy of Feng Shui Assessment, may be used in whole or in part for purposes of advertising, publicity or promotion and this Report may not be referred to as an appraisal.

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