701 S. 1st Ave
Arcadia, CA 91006

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Client's Name: WLC
Date: August 10, 2004

Recommendations for Building A

This building takes a Southeast to Northwest approach with the main door opening facing the traffic as shown (A1). The entry way should be appropriately widened (40 ft.) with a green island and waterworks. This creates a separate energy reception for the entire building as well as individual ownership.

A2 area is suitable for signage and freeway exposure (area for wealth and money). The shape of the building at A2, A3 will be best rounded-off as this provides smoothness and cooperation for the employees working on premises. The traffic flow will also benefit from more visitors and moving goods.

This building has the potential of providing good quality for people and money and should be a premium choice of the two.

Recommendations for Building B

This building has two options:

B1. Opening (entry door) will be placed Southeast to Northwest, similar to Building A. However, this has limits and restrictions.

B2. Opening at center, sitting North facing South. This creates better space in front and a good frontage from the freeway. It has its disadvantages too.

B3. The main entryway (40 ft.) should have a small island to house waterworks at B4 which enacts moving energy into this area. Unless it is meant to separate the two buildings (not sharing the parking and access) which would create relationship strain, it is advisable to blend in the two lots. This would require a better flow design. Building B will be ideal for products, service or labor-simple business. It is good for money but will have personnel issues and some health issues.

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