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  • Officialdom and Wealth Palace is at the top of the forehead exactly coinciding with the "li" position of the Eight Trigrams
  • Parents Palace covers the area from the whole of the forehead to the chin.
  • If the Five Planets encircle this area evenly there will be blessing and wealth throughout the person's life.
  • If Heaven and Earth face each other smartly there will be the Five Blessings for him.
  • If the forehead is narrow, early life will be hard, and if the chin is sharp, life will be hard in later years;
  • Brothers Palace is at the eyebrow; Life Palace is between the eyebrows;
  • Property Palace is at the eyes; Wife and Concubine Palace is at the Fish's Tail i.e. the end of the eyes; Sons and Daughters Palace is just below the eyes; Sickness and Danger Palace is at the bridge of the nose; Wealth Palace is the nose;
  • Residential Changes Palace is the end of the eyebrows; and Servants Palace is at the chin;
  • if this area is rounded and full there will be many servants.

Shows the positions of the Eight Trigrams and the Nine States on the face.

  • The Nine States are the nine divisions into which China was divided after the taming of the Great Floods by Emperor Yu more than four thousand years ago.
  • The diagram is self-explanatory — the right side is east and the left side is west, the top is south and the bottom is north.
  • The east is associated with Jupiter, the west with Venus, the south with Mars and the north with Mercury.

show the points on the face corresponding to each year of a person's life up to age 99, and the Chinese version with the names of these points at each age respectively.

Some of these Chinese names are untranslatable, and it is better to leave them in Chinese at the corresponding ages. There are 146 points in all.
The face, in summary, has ten hopeless features and ten signs of confinement under the Net of Heaven, which means there is no escape from misfortunes.
The Ten Hopeless Features are:

  1. Sharp forehead - unlucky during youth, no inheritence of ancestral property and failure in life generally;
  2. Sharp chin - misfortune in old age, little success in all endeavours and disharmony between husband and wife;
  3. An upturned nose - failure in middle age, no support from children and hardship in old age;
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