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(The Maui Voice #3 - Winter 1998)

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
By Elliot Jay Tanzer

I was first impressed with the healing powers of essential oils and aromatherapy at the Second International Feng Shui Conference in Palm Springs. After ten fast paced days in Los Angeles doing astrology readings and feng shui consultations from 9 in the morning till 9 at night, breathing smoggy L.A. air and eating on the run, I arrived in Palm Springs and walked into the air conditioned, refrigerator-like environment of the Marquis Hotel hosting the Feng Shui Conference.

Zap! Slam! Throat sore. Larynx hoarse. Head headachy. Bones achy. Energy levels plummeting rapidly. I survived Friday night but by Saturday mid-morning I was ready to take to bed. What made me feel even worse was the realization that on Sunday at 1:30pm, I was scheduled to give an hour and half lecture entitled, "Case Histories Demonstrating Feng Shui Principles and Symbology." Beyond my imagination how I was going to do even a barely adequate presentation. I could see it in advance: I would stumble to the podium, stumble through some opening remarks and, either stagger and fall flat on my face, or I would drone on as everyone slowly drifted out seeking a more interesting speaker elsewhere at the conference.

Suddenly it occurred to me to find the lady at the Feng Shui Warehouse booth who was selling and demonstrating essential oils. I felt like a little boy standing in front of mother. "Help me. I'm not feeling well." She did. The goddess bestowed upon me her bounty. She swiped my brow with peppermint oil, swathed my throat with a blend called Thieves (used by thieves during black plague days to prevent them from getting sick while they robbed the dead) and a few drops of grapefruit oil in a glass of water which I drank. A very tasty drink I might add (kids love citrus oils as flavoring for popsicles).

My First Essential Oil Miracle
Within thirty minutes all symptoms disappeared. By lunch I felt 100% better. The rest of the day was great for networking and listening to the many lectures by leading feng shui practitioners from around the world. Next day started good but by lunch time the air conditioning was getting to me again. After lunch and just before my presentation, I again went before the Mother Goddess dispensing essential oil cures. "My head," I said. "My head is feeling foggy. I can't seem to focus my thoughts." Without hesitation a few drops of a blend appropriately called Clarity was wiped on my brow and by the time I walked to the podium before 200 plus attendees, I was sharp as can be. My lecture was rich with information, profound insights and humor. At the end I received loud applause and many people signed up for astrology readings and feng shui consultations. Essential oils saved my day. Once again demonstrating that health is wealth!

Some Other Uses For Essential Oils
I have since used a blend called Clarity on my teenage son's brow with equal effectiveness. He has also benefited from the blends called Peace & Calming and Release (liver balance and anger issues). We've also had success with lavender called the all-purpose oil. Lavender disinfects wounds and burns, relieves symptoms of PMS, calms children, etc. Sandalwood we found to be real special. Sandalwood is uplifting, and absolutely euphoric during love making. Thieves blend, as mentioned above keeps away the plague and is also used for bleeding gums and to keep gums from receding. Abundance blend expands the magnetic field so you open up to magnetize good fortune. I have heard the blend called Immupower has been effectively used for overcoming serious immune system problems with names like epstein bar, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc. And the list goes on.

How Essential Oils Work
Now that I'm "addicted" to essential oils and aromatherapy I wonder why it took so long for these "miracle drugs" to be rediscovered? After all essential oils have been used in healing and maintaining optimum health for thousands of years (frankincense and myrrh were brought to the Christ child no doubt for their health protecting properties) yet they were only recently re-discovered in the 1920's in a perfume laboratory accident in France where lavender was accidently used to heal a severe burn. Since the late 1960's the idea of aromatherapy has been growing until now in the 1990's there are countless products boasting the benefits of essential oils.

When I first heard of aromatherapy years ago, I didn't think much of it. It just seemed to be pretty smells to sweeten the moment. Kind of like Angel Cards. Positive thoughts to fill the day combined with pretty aromas. With names like Abundance, Harmony, Sensual, and so on I just couldn't see spending the money. Too airy. However, as it turns out, essential oils are much more. The scent of oils contain nutrients and active ingredients (aldehydes, phenols, esters, sesquiterpenes, etc.) that enhance circulation, stimulate the hormonal glands, strengthen the nervous system and go beyond the body-mind barrier to enter directly into the limbic system to bring about beneficial changes to the emotional body. It has also been demonstrated that viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites can not live in the presence of many essential oils.

Essential oils are rich in oxygenating properties so they assist the body to detox and will help you maintain optimum health. Some oils have chelating capacity and are known to remove heavy metals and other toxic buildups. Most oils have high frequency electrical charge so they raise the vibration of the body higher than that of disease. Most bacteria, viruses and tumors operate at low frequencies (below 48Hz) while many essential oils have frequencies much higher making it impossible for disease bugs to bug you. Even parasite have to leave at high frequencies. All in all, the immune system is greatly improved and dis-ease is reduced. The more I read about essential oils the more impressed I am by the health giving properties of the different oils.

All Oils Are Not Created Equal - Quality Makes The Difference
It is important to procure oils that are distilled at the lowest pressure and lowest heat. If you have tried aromatherapy and felt no benefit, it may be that you either used an inferior quality oil or they were not properly applied. Some people just diffuse it. This is beneficial and sometime best. Other times, as in the examples I gave, applied directly to the brow and throat. They can also be rubbed along the spine (to kill the scoliosis virus for instance) or they can be rubbed on the reflexology points on the soles of the feet from where it takes only minutes to circulate completely through the body.

Young Living Essential Oils
I am pleased to present Young Living Essential Oils as an outstanding source for aromatherapy essential oils. Here is a selection I recommend for starting your own collection. The more I learn about the uses for essential oils, the more committed I become to my personal use and the more excited I am to share this valuable information with my family, friends and clients.

I'm not usually enthused by MLM (multi-level marketing) companies as usually equally good product can be found elsewhere. Also for an MLM to work as a business, it requires a full time involvement like any other endeavor. As I already have a full time career as astrologer, feng shui practitioner, teacher and writer of meditation and metaphysics, and sometimes publisher of books and magazines, I do not have time to make selling essential oils into a business. Likewise, essential oils can be purchased elsewhere and often at a lower price. However, quality oils are of the utmost importance for essential oils to be effective. I have noticed some companies use terms like pure or 100% to describe their product but often have no knowledge where these oils came from. Diluted oils, over cooked oils and otherwise poor, second or third grade oils lack the nutrients and vibrational frequency needed to assure the results desired.

Young Living Essential Oils is the only company I have found that can guarantee the highest quality. Indeed they grow most of their oils from seed and are dedicated to the organic growing of crops, using the lowest heat and pressure for distillation and, therefore producing the highest quality oils available to those of us wanting to use essential oils for home use. I know several professional aromatherapists who are dedicated to Young Living Essential Oils and I know a few who have taken the time to search out oil brokerage houses so they can pick and choose and make their own blends. The price to you tends to be about the same. But for the rest of us, Young Living Essential Oils are a one stop shop for the widest variety and best quality that can be obtained.

I would be more than happy to order for you and the prices here reflect a $7 increase above wholesale cost mostly to cover postage and handling. However, ordering $50 directly from Young Living Essential Oils sets you up as a distributor (and a $5 Policies and Procedures packet) and in no time you too will have a downline as you inevitably share your discovery of essential oils with others. The following selections are just a few of the blends and single oils, I have found wonderfully effective to use. If before placing your order, you would like to learn more, I will be happy to send you a booklet entitled: "Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils & Aromatherapy" for $2.50 ($1.50 plus $1.00 postage).

Notes of Caution:

  • 1) It is important to use essential oils sparingly at first and build up the frequency of your blood. To much too soon (we found out as it says in the book) will lead to "uncomfortable detoxification," i.e. runny nose and other symptoms of toxic elimination.

  • 2) Some oils need to be avoided during pregnancy (see Footnote B).

  • 3) Always be cautious when suggesting oils for elderly, young children and conditions like epilepsy.

    [Medical Disclaimer: For legal reasons essential oils are not being recommended as a treatment for any illness. It is recommended that you follow your doctor's advice.]

    Some Oils To Start With
    Most Single and Blends may be applied neet (undiluted) or in dilution with an appropriate carrier oil. They may be diffused, applied topically, or added to water for bathing, cleaning and disinfecting. You may add Singles to a Blend but do not mix Blends. They are already mixed. Do not take any oils internally accept a few for food flavoring like grapefruit, lemon or peppermint.

    Recommended Blends
    (all quotations from "Intro. to Young Living Essential Oils & Aromatherapy" by Dr. Gary Young)

    • ABUNDANCE - enhances "...the magnetic field around us through electrical stimulation of the somatides and the cells...creates the law of attraction."

    • AROMA LIFE - "...may help support cardiovascular function and bring balance to the blood and the lymphatic and circulatory systems."

    • CITRUS FRESH - "...calming, especially for children. It works well as an antiseptic in the air for killing bacteria."

    • CLARITY - "...beneficial for memory retention and mental alertness."

    • DI-TONE - good for "digestive irregularities and disturbances."

    • DRAGON TIME - reduces cramping and discomfort from PMS.

    • GENTLE BABY - "...comforting, soothing, relaxing and may be beneficial during the birthing process."

    • IMMUPOWER - "...building, strengthening and protecting the body and supporting its dense mechanism."

    • JOY - "...enhance frequency of self-love and bring joy to the heart."

    • JUVA FLEX - supports "...liver and lymphatic system detoxification."

    • MY-GRAIN - relieves "...migraine headaches, nausea, depression."

    • PANE AWAY - reduces inflammation, promote healthy circulation and has "...helped with arthritis symptoms, sprains, cramps and muscle spasms."

    • PURIFICATION - "...neutralizes mildew, cigarette smoke...and other noxious odors found in homes, offices and other confined areas."

    • RAVEN - "...gives strength in fighting respiratory disease, infections and may help alleviate symptoms of tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia."

    • RELEASE - "...may stimulate a sense of harmony and balance...help to release anger and frustration..."

    • THIEVES - protection against the "plague."

    • VALOR - "helps balance electrical energies...giving courage, confidence and self-esteem...helps the body self-correct its physical and structural alignment."

    Single Oils

    • BERGAMOT - has been used for hundreds of years for acne, boils, cod sores, eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, sore throat, thrush, depression and more.

    • CLARY SAGE - beneficial in regulating cells and balancing hormones.

    • CLOVE - anti-infectious, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic and antiseptic. Has many uses.

    • EUCALYPTUS - helps with inflammation of the mucous membranes, ear, sinusitis, bronchitis, hay fever, vaginitis, endometriosis and acne.

    • GERANIUM - for skin care also regenerates tissue and nerves and assists in balancing hormonal problems.

    • GRAPEFRUIT - beneficial for digestive complaints, obesity, reducing water retention and cellulite.

    • HELICHRYSUM - found to regenerate tissue, reduce tissue pain and ...has been helping to improve certain hearing losses.

    • LAVENDER - is known as the universal oil. It is beneficial for skin conditions, is antispasmodic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, cardiotonic, anticoagulant, prevents scarring and relieves headaches and PMS symptoms.

    • LEMONGRASS - beneficial for the digestive system, helps regenerate connective tissue, sedative and has helped with improving eyesight.

    • MELALEUCA - (Ti-tree oil) is anti-infectious, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, a digestive tonic and strong tissue regenerator.

    • MYRRH - supportive to the immune system, beneficial for skin condition, used to help asthma, bronchitis, coughs, gum infections, sore throat, decongests the prostate and normalize hyperthyroid problems.

    • PEPPERMINT - "...reduce fevers, candida, nausea, vomiting...cooling to the body on hot summer days."

    • SANDALWOOD - "...supports the lymphatic, nervous and cardiovascular systems....helps to remove negative programming and increase oxygen around the pituitary and pineal glands." It is uplifting and euphoric.

    Oils To Avoid During Pregnancy
    Basil, birch, cedarwood, clary sage, cypress, geranium, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, nutmeg, peppermint, rosemary, tarragon, and thyme. Oils to avoid during the first three months of pregnancy and with caution during the remaining months using small amounts and well diluted: camomile, geranium, lavender and rose.

    Skin Irritants
    Angelica, black pepper, cinnamon leaf, citronella, clove (all parts), ginger, lemon, lemongrass, lemon verbena, orange, nutmeg and peppermint. Always dilute these oils to 1% before use.


    Davis, Patricia. AROMATHERAPY AN A-Z. Essex, England: C.W. Daniels Comp., 1988. New Revised and Enlarged Edition, 1995.

    Young, Dr. Gary. AROMATHERAPY - THE ESSENTIAL BEGINNING. Salt Lake City: Essential Oil Press, 1996.

    Young, Dr. Gary. INTRODUCTION TO YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS & AROMATHERAPY. Salt Lake City: Essential Oil Press, 1996.

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